You have entered the year 2565(or close to that)this page is Pure Halo as you can see by the title unless your stupid. Well anyway this page is all about the popular game series. What the game is about is a guy named john(Master Chief,guy in Green) and the name halo comes from the Giant rings the the aliens put up to destory humanity. Well to find out more your going to haft to play the game.
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 The maker of the halo series actidently made hints about them at the work of making four more halo halo games already in the product, I hope to bring you updates of this news as it comes in from me watching T.V.

Hello I would like to annouce that a halo mmo might be made, but it was recentlty cancled but then there were some pics realesed which could mean that there might still be one,(I have Hope!!!!)but what they do know is that this game will be maybe realsed for pc but defenitly released for xbox 360 live people, and when i reacently talke about a new halo game this could be it.

 One of my favorite and most known halo fan made series is called Red vs Blue and man is it funny. The link to this site is the video seen above is the trailer before the series. You can watch other videos on youtube or by clicking episodes when they come up at the end of the video.
 Whoo who the live action halo Movie I can't wait untill it comes out in 2009.
Human Weapons
Battle Rifle
Power: Medium
Accuracy: High
Range: Medium

Rate of Fire: Medium


SMG (Sub - Machine Gun)
Power: Very Low
Accuracy: Low - Medium
Range: Low - Medium
Rate of Fire: Very High
Assault Rifle
Power: Low - Medium
Accuracy: Dependent
Range: Low - Medium
Rate of Fire: Medium
Power: High
Accuracy: Medium/High
Range: Low - Medium
Rate of Fire: Medium
Power: High/Very High
Accuracy: Low/Medium
Range: Low
Rate of Fire: Low
Sniper Rifle
Power: Very High
Accuracy: Very High
Range: Very High
Rate of Fire: Medium
Rocket Launcher
Power: VERY High
Accuracy: High 
Range: Medium
Rate of Fire: Very Low
Spartan Laser
Power: Insanely High
Accuracy: Very High
Range: High
Rate of Fire: Very Low





Plasma Pistol
Power: Low, May take away shields away
Accuracy: Medium
Range: Medium
Rate of Fire: High


Plasma Rifle
Power: Medium
Accuracy: Medium
Range: Low - Medium
Rate of Fire: High
Power: Medium
Accuracy: High
Range: Medium/High
Rate of Fire: Medium
Power: Dependant on how many needles
Accuracy: High, needles home in
Range: Low - Medium
Rate of Fire: High


Beam Rifle
Power: High
Accuracy: Very High
Range: High
Rate of Fire: Low
Fuel Rod Cannon
Power: Very High
Accuracy: Medium
Range: Medium
Rate of Fire: Low
Energy Sword
Power: Very High
Accuracy: Extremely High
Range: Close Range Only

Covenant Vehicles



Speed: Medium
Weaponry: Plasma Cannons, Fuel Rod Cannon
Passengers: None


Speed: Fast
Weaponry: Plasma Cannons
Passengers: None


Speed: Slow
Weaponry: Wraith Mortar, Plasma Turret
Passengers: 1 Gunner
Human Vehicles
Speed: Medium
Weaponry: LAAG Turret
Passengers: 1 Passenger, 1 Gunner
Transport Hog
Speed: Medium
Weaponry: None
Passengers: 5 Passengers
Gauss Warthog
Speed: Medium
Weaponry: Gauss Cannon
Passengers: 1 Passenger, 1 Gunner
Speed: Very Fast
Weaponry: None
Passengers: 1 Passenger
Speed: Medium
Weaponry: Dual Turret, Missile Pods
Passengers: 1 Driver, 2 Passenger Rails
Speed: Slow
Weaponry: Main Turret, Machine Gun
Passengers: 1 Gunner
Speed: Very Slow
Weaponry: 1 Light Machine Gun, 1 Heavy Machine Gun
Passengers: 1 Driver, 2 Gunners, Large area for many passengers
 I know I only have videos on this page but once i  get my friends to help ill have guides, skull locations, and so on.
 More to this page is coming soon.
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